This exquisite dried meat specialty made from beef or cow meat is one of the most popular culinary delights in Appenzell. The pieces of pork or loin are marinated in salt and spices, dried and smoked with beech or spruce sawdust. With its even red color and mild acidity, «Mostbröckli» has a large fan base. The origin of its name is unclear. One theory is that in the past it was mainly enjoyed with cider. Another theory is that in those days not only tender beef was used and therefore cider was added during salting to tenderize the meat with the acid.
Sliced wafer-thin, enjoy cold as a snack or starter. Serve warm as an important ingredient in Appenzeller fillet or Appenzeller Fleischvogel.
- «Mostbröckli» salad
- Appenzell boiled sausage strudel