Romantik-Hotel Säntis ****
Romantic hours are something very special in life, and this time should be enjoyed. At the Romantik-Hotel Säntis, guests can expect cuisine that has been awarded 14 Gault Millau points and the first-class service that goes with it. In addition, we offer 37 wonderfully furnished guest rooms with bathrooms, a considerable range of conference and seminar facilities as well as banquet rooms for up to 200 people.
Number of beds | 72
| |
Appenzeller Holiday Card | yes | |
Free Arrival and Departure | yes |
Romantic-Hotel SäntisFamily Catriona and Stefan A. Heeb
Landsgemeindeplatz 3 , 9050 Appenzell
Phone +41 71 788 11 11 , Fax +41 71 788 11 10
Opening hours
open daily